Capt. Glen's sketch of Mr. Macarthur's armed schooner "Parramatta"
Mr. Macarthur's trading in the Southern Seas has become quite an enterprise since his return, and he now has two ships on almost continual voyages, the Argo and now also the Parramatta, Captain Glen. I don't know how he finds the time to superintend all of his activities, but no-one would ever accuse John of being a laggard. The Parramatta is scheduled to trade in the islands to our north-west, primarily to purchase salted pork, for which we first transport the barrels and salt and we have a factor in Tahiti who organises the production of pork. John tells me he can bring 70,000 pounds weight of pork in a voyage, at a value of 5,833 English pounds in money, at a cost of 1,720 English pounds for barrels, hoops, lids and salt, and even that may be moderated with side trades, although buying a ship is not an undertaking for the faint of heart. Our advancement and the fate of this place march hand-in-hand, and much of the concerns and worries lay on John's shoulders. Thank Heaven our home is a retreat from these.
I heard today that Mr. Marsden has the Governor's approval to voyage Home, seeking more hands for God's work here and in the Southern Seas. Mr. Marsden has previously told John that he will take samples of our wool and his, if we have any fine.
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