John brought home the worst news today. After that terrible affair with Governor Bligh's refusal of our appeal against Thompson's note of hand decision, which may very well make such notes based on anything other than currency unacceptable, and Captain Glenn's notice that a convict may have escaped on the Parramatta, it seems that Mr. Wentworth is dismissed from his post at the Hospital here, and so is Mr. Jamieson. No one is safe from the arbitrary actions of the Governor, who will listen only to his awful friends. Now it appears that three of the Sydney traders - emancipists all - are to be charged with lesse majestie for asking the Governor is they may trans-ship supplies without landing them! Mr. Macarthur tells me they have offered to pay the port duties, so that the orphan funds lose nothing, but the Governor has found the request so abhorrent that he is charging them! And Mr. Harris has assured John that such requests are common and under Governor King allowed - very large barrels, for example, are very difficult to bring on shore at the Government's wharf, where only small boats may tie up. I foresee the jailing of the traders as a suitable cause for agitation for the withdrawal of the Governor, but I must ensure that Mr. Macarthur stays aloof from the mischief.
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